URL: https://westernu.libguides.com/board-review

Board Review: Introduction


Getting Started with Board Review

Studying for boards can be stressful. Setting aside plenty of time to study, breaking learning into bite-size pieces, and making sure you thoroughly understand a subject can help. So can choosing resources geared for your specific exam. To get started, choose the tab for your board exam to get specialized resources, or look below to find cases and other study tools. We will add more resources to this guide as time goes on. Feel free to contact us and suggest things that worked well for you.

Happy studying!

Cases and Study Tools

There are cases, flashcards, and other review resources available in AccessMedicine and AccessPharmacy. You can access them from the Cases and Study Tools drop-down menus. You will be prompted to create a free MyAccess account.

Here are the case and study tools options available in AccessMedicine:

AccessPharmacy has some additional tools for drug review:

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