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Google Better: Google tools


Google Tools

Google Public Data Explorer: The Google Public Data Explorer is a great way to find and visualize data. Using the data explorer, you can search publicly available data from almost 100 different international institutions. Then, once you’ve found data that interests you, you can choose to display the data in different formats – like line graphs, bar graphs, and maps. 

Google Fusion Tables: Google Fusion Tables are a new, experimental app that allows you to combine data from multiple sources and create a single visualization. For example, you could find public data and combine it with your own for a better visualization. As with the Google Public Data Explorer, you can choose to display the data in a variety of different ways.

Google's "More" Menu: After you run a search you have the option to select “more” from the menu tab above your results. You’ll find other options there that you can use to focus your search a little more. See the screenshot below for how to access the “More” menu.

Google Books: Google Books gives you access to data on millions of books – some of which are even available in full text. You can also use the search within this book feature to search a whole book for a word or phrase. You can also use Google Books to get the information you need for a citation if you don’t have the physical book handy. 

Unpaywall: Unpaywall is a Google Chrome extension that automatically searches fro free, legal copies of articles - so it's great for articles that are not available through the Pumerantz Library. You can install Unpaywall on your Google Chrome browser  or on Mozilla Firefox.

Google News: Google News puts together a list of current news articles from a variety of sources. You can sign up to receive email alerts based on keywords or create a personalized newsfeed based on your interests. You can also search within Google News for particular topics.

Google Newspaper Archive: You can also search archived news from thousands of archived newspapers from all over the world, some dating as far back at the 1700s. 

Google Patent Search: Enter an object or idea that has (or should have) a patent and Google will give you a description of the object, a diagram, as well as the date the patent was filed. It will also give you the case number for the patent and tell you if the patent is expired.

Google Image Search: Google Image Search searches the web for images that are available on the open web. However, it is important to note that just because Google can access an image doesn’t mean it’s legal to use. See our Copyright and Fair Use Research Guide for more information on copyright.

Google Cultural Institute: Google has partnered with hundreds of museums, cultural institutions, and archives to make cultural treasures available online. You can find artworks, landmarks, world heritage sites, and digital exhibitions from all around the world.


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