Description: Agricola is a database created and maintained by the National Agricultural Library of the USDA. It includes abstracts for articles, conference proceedings, books, and theses and dissertations related to agriculture.
Access: Available freely on the Internet
Provider: National Agricultural Library
Subject Coverage:
Subject List (pdf)
Privacy Policy: If you choose to provide personal information via an e-mail to NAL or by submitting a form through the website, we use that information only to respond to your message and to help locate the information you requested.
NAL is required to maintain many documents under the Presidential Records Act for historical purposes; however, personal information is not collected for any purpose other than to respond to you. We will share the information you give us with another government agency only if your inquiry relates to that agency or as otherwise required by law. We do not create individual profiles with the information you provide or share it with any private organizations. We do not collect information for commercial marketing.
Full policy: