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Database Information

EDS (EBSCO Discovery Service)


Description: EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) allows users to search multiple databases by multiple providers under a single search interface.

Access: Western University of Health Sciences authorized users only. Remote access via the proxy server available for currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff of WesternU.

Provider: EBSCOhost

License Information:

Authorized Users

“Authorized User(s)” are employees, students, registered patrons, walk-in patrons, or other persons affiliated with Licensee or otherwise permitted to use Licensee’s facilities and authorized by Licensee to access Databases. Authorized users do not include alumni of the licensee.

Authorized Sites

The authorized site covered in this license is Western University of Health Sciences only. Authorized sites may be added or deleted from this agreement as mutually agreed upon by EBSCO and Licensee.

Permitted uses

Pursuant to these terms and conditions, the Licensee and Authorized Users may

  1. Download or print limited copies of citations, abstracts, full text or portions thereof, provided the information is used solely in accordance with copyright law.
  2. Users may create printouts of materials retrieved through the Databases or Services via online printing, offline printing, facsimile or electronic mail. All reproduction and distribution of such printouts, and all downloading and electronic storage of materials retrieved through the Databases or Services shall be for internal or personal use.

Prohibited uses

  1. Licensee and Authorized Users shall not use the Database or Services as a component of or the basis of any other publication prepared for sale and will neither duplicate nor alter the Databases or Services or any of the content therein in any manner, nor use same for sale or distribution.
  2. Downloading all or parts of the Databases or Services in a systematic or regular manner so as to create a collection of materials comprising all or part of the Databases or Services is strictly prohibited whether or not such collection is in electronic or print form.

Notwithstanding the above restrictions, this paragraph shall not restrict the use of the materials under the doctrine of “fair use” as defined under the laws of the United States. Publishers may impose their own conditions of use applicable only to their content. Such conditions of use shall be displayed on the computer screen displays associated with such content. The Licensee shall take all reasonable precautions to limit the usage of the Databases or Services to those specifically authorized by this Agreement.

Remote Access

The Licensee and Sites are authorized to provide remote access to the Databases and Services only to their patrons as long as security procedures are undertaken that will prevent remote access by institutions, employees at non-­subscribing institutions or individuals, that are not parties to this Agreement who are not expressly and specifically granted access by EBSCO. For the avoidance of doubt, if Licensee provides remote access to individuals on a broader scale than was contemplated at the inception of this Agreement then EBSCO may hold the Licensee in breach and suspend access to the Database(s) or Services.

Remote access to the Databases or Services is permitted to patrons of subscribing institutions accessing from remote locations for personal, non-commercial use. However, remote access to the Databases or Services from non-subscribing institutions is not allowed if the purpose of the use is for commercial gain through cost reduction or avoidance for a non-subscribing institution.


Licensee and Authorized Users agree to abide by the Copyright Act of 1976 as well as by any contractual restrictions, copyright restrictions, or other restrictions provided by publishers and specified in the Databases or Services.

Privacy Policy:

Full policy:

Updated 8/3/21