![search embase](https://libapps.s3.amazonaws.com/customers/2468/images/Embase.png)
Description: Embase provides access to articles in biomedical and pharmacological literature. Users can also search Embase records by building a search strategy that uses PICO elements.
Access: Western University of Health Sciences authorized users only. Remote access via the proxy server available for currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff of WesternU.
Provider: Elsevier Science
Coverage: List of journals indexed in EMBASE
Subject Coverage: Drug research, pharmacology, pharmacy, pharmacoeconomics, pharmaceutics, toxicology, human medicine (clinical and experimental), basic biological research, health policy and management, public, occupational, and environmental health, substance dependence and abuse, psychiatry, forensic science, biomedical engineering and instrumentation, nursing, dentistry, veterinary science
License Information:
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Authorized Users are the full-time and part-time students, faculty, staff and researchers of the Subscriber and individuals who are independent contractors or are employed by independent contractors of the Subscriber affiliated with the Subscriber’s locations listed on Schedule 2 (the “Sites”) and individuals using computer terminals within the library facilities at the Sites permitted by the subscriber to access the Subscribed Products for purposes of personal research, education or other non-corporate use (“Walk-in Users”)
Authorized Sites
The authorized site covered in this license is Western University of Health Sciences as a subscribing member of the SCELC (Statewide California Electronic Library) consortium. Additional institutions may be added to Schedule 2 provided that written notice is given by SCELC to Elsevier by 1 October prior to the start of the next calendar year of the term | at least sixty (60) days prior to the start of any renewal term and subject to an appropriate recalculation of the fees.
Permitted uses
Authorized Users may:
- access, search, brows and view the Subscribed Products;
- print, download and store a reasonable portion of individual items from the Subscribed Products for the exclusive use of such Authorized User;
- incorporate links to the Subscribed Products on the Subscriber’s intranet and internet websites and in electronic coursepacks, reserves and course management systems and instructor websites, provided the appearance of such links and/or statements accompanying such links will be changed as reasonably requested by Elsevier;
- provide print or electronic copies of individual items from the Subscribed Products to other Authorized Users and to third-party colleagues for their scholarly or research use;
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- access, search, browse, view, print, make electronic copies and store for the exclusive use of such Authorized User or, if the Authorized User is a librarian/information specialist, for the exclusive use of another Authorized User certain journal articles and book chapters from the ScienceDirect online service that are not subscribed to as part of the Subscribed Products with each twenty-four (24) hour access period for a selected article or chapter, a “Transaction”.
- deliver journal articles from Subscribed Titles (as defined herein) and, if any, book chapters from the Subscribed Products to fulfill requests as part of the practice commonly known as “interlibrary loan” from non-commercial libraries located within the United States, provided that the Subscriber’s staff reviews the requests and fulfills the requests in compliance with Section 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law.
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- use any robots, spiders, crawlers or other automated downloading programs, algorithms or devices to continuously and automatically search, scrape, extract, deep link, index or disrupt the working of the Subscribed Products;
- substantially or systematically reproduce, retain or redistribute the Subscribed Products; or
post individual items from the Subscribed Products on social networking sites.
Remote Access
Permitted as long as reasonable efforts are used to protect against misuse or unauthorized access, whether by the Subscriber or any third party, through or to (a) the Subscriber’s credentials used to access the Subscribed Products; and (b) the Subscribed Products and/or information derived therefrom; manage identification, use, access and control of all credentials used to access the Subscribed Products in an appropriately secure manner.
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