Description: PsychiatryOnline offers online access to psychiatric textbooks, journals, and professional development tools. It features DSM-5 and The American Journal of Psychiatry.
Access: Western University of Health Sciences authorized users only. Remote access via the proxy server available for currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff of WesternU.
License Information:
Authorized Users
Within academic institutions: Authorized Users are defined as current members of the faculty and other staff of the Licensee (whether on a permanent, temporary, contract or visiting basis) employed at the Licensee’s Premises; individuals who are enrolled at the Licensee’s Academic Institution located on the Licensee’s Premises who are permitted to access the Secure Network from within the Library Premises or from such other places where Authorized Users work or study (including but not limited to authorized Users’ offices and homes, halls of residence and student dormitories) and who have been issued a password or other authentication from the Licensee; and other persons who access the Secure Network from computer terminals within the library premises and are permitted to use the Library premises.
Authorized Sites
The authorized site covered in this license is Western University of Health Sciences only. Except as specifically provided elsewhere in this Agreement, the Licensee is prohibited from making agreements for access to PsychiatryOnline content with individuals, organizations, vendors, affiliates, or partners who are not Authorized Users.
Permitted uses
The Licensee has the right to do any of the following:
Authorized Users are permitted to reproduce or disseminate PsychiatryOnline content only within the parameters of applicable copyright law. The following uses are specifically authorized:
a. Downloading: Downloading, printing, or saving single pages of PsychiatryOnline content for the purposes of research, preservation of content, teaching, and/or private study by Authorized Users is permissible. Systematic downloading (by robots or other automatic processes) and print distribution of content in course packs are prohibited without explicit approval. Links may be provided to Authorized Users for educational purposes via secure third‐party proxy servers.
b. Interlibrary Loan: The Licensee shall be permitted to use a limited amount of the Licensed Materials to fulfill occasional requests from other institutions in compliance with applicable copyright law. Electronic transmission of PsychiatryOnline content to unauthorized users
or to another library outside the Licensee’s secure network is permissible only by use of a secure electronic system that creates a document for one‐time use and does not allow storage of the electronic version. Participating Libraries agree that copyright notices will be sent on all interlibrary loan transmissions. Non‐secure electronic transmission of files is not permitted. Any transmission of an epub (eBook) file is not permitted.
c. Accessibility: Licensee may transcribe any portion of PsychiatryOnline content into Braille script, enlarged type, or other appropriate versions in order to allow Authorized Users with disabilities to access PsychiatryOnline content.
d. Medical Information: Licensee may supply print or electronic copies of individual articles or parts of articles taken from the Licensed Materials to fulfill enquiries from third parties for medical information purposes. Copies supplied under this clause must carry without
modification copyright notices already incorporated into the Licensed Material. This specifically excludes any use for document delivery services or pay‐per‐view services or any other replacement of a subscription or a reprint service for marketing/sales purposes.
Prohibitions on certain uses
a. Unauthorized users: Except as specifically provided elsewhere in this Agreement, the Licensee is prohibited from making agreements for access to PsychiatryOnline content with individuals, organizations, vendors, affiliates, or partners who are not Authorized Users.
Licensee is expressly prohibited from using open proxy servers that would make the Licensed Materials accessible to any individual outside the Licensee’s secure firewall.
b. Commercial Redistribution: No direct commercial re‐use (e.g., downloading, posting of a file, or printing to sell or distribute to any unauthorized user) of any PsychiatryOnline content is permitted. Upon written request of the Licensee, APA may grant permission to provide a limited amount of print or electronic PsychiatryOnline content for purposes of regulatory approval, patent and/or trademark applications, or other legal or regulatory purposes.
c. Removal of copyright and trademark notices: Licensee agrees not to remove, cover, overlay, obscure, block, or change any copyright or trademark notices, legends, or terms of use.
d. Modification: Licensee shall not modify or create a derivative work of any PsychiatryOnline content without the prior written permission of APA.
e. Authentication: Licensee will make reasonable efforts to create and maintain appropriate security measures to ensure that only Authorized Users can access subscribed PsychiatryOnline content online.
Remote Access
Authorized users must remotely access the Database through WesternU’s secure proxy server by authenticating with WesternU network credentials.
Unless otherwise noted, the APA holds the copyright on all materials published at PsychiatryOnline. All content is subject to “fair use” provisions of U.S. or applicable international copyright laws:
Permission to reprint or copy PsychiatryOnline content beyond that allowed by section 107 or 108 or the U.S. Copyright Law, licenses must be obtained from APP’s permissions department
Privacy Policy:
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Updated 8/2/21